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TK sort of down

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"I want to shower you in sugar lumps and take you to the horse dentist."- CaptainWacky

"If you see something, say nothing, and drink to forget."-Welcome to Night Vale
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TK sort of down

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A goose disguised as Dr Dave :rwmad:
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:rwmad: :rwmad: :rwmad: :rwmad:
"I want to shower you in sugar lumps and take you to the horse dentist."- CaptainWacky

"If you see something, say nothing, and drink to forget."-Welcome to Night Vale
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TK sort of down

Post by Eggs Loki »

TK down for me at the moment -- I was in the middle of making a reply to the posts about English / American accents.
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503 error :rwmad:
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Post by CaptainWacky »

Anyone contacted Big M?

ViralFrequency is down too so that would mean it's a server issue rather than the board being hacked again (hopefully!)
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(He won't really.)
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It's a server issue rather than being hacked, so I consider that "good" news. Hopefully it's back soon.
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At least it happend after the advent calendar concluded!
"I want to shower you in sugar lumps and take you to the horse dentist."- CaptainWacky

"If you see something, say nothing, and drink to forget."-Welcome to Night Vale
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Post by Eggs Loki »

I hope Menty figured out how to log in, otherwise something fucked up is going on...I got this when I tried to log into the Admin CP to turn off 2-step verification.

"The site is currently being upgraded. Please check back later." (on a blank white page)
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Post by CaptainWacky »

It seems to be down now. Maybe Menty is doing something to fix his problem...
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Yeah, it's down for me too.

I bet he's having the same issue I had the last time we used 2 factor.
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He didn't reply when I Skyped him so it being down probably isn't anything to do with Menty, which is worrying since he can't log in...
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It's back.
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Post by Mirah »

Not for me. I didn't even know it was down today.
I have so much anxiety when it doesn't open up. : ( I bet I have to clear some cookies or something!
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Yeah it's down.
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Post by Eggs Loki »

I'm not around later today, but I messaged Menty on FB and Twitter to see if I can help or at least find out more.
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TK sort of down

Post by CaptainWacky »

The Emperor's New Cloak - Quark still thinks Ezri loves him (sigh) and is jealous of her talking to Bashir. The bloody Grand Nagus has disappeared and a sexy version of Ezri (in leather and make-up!!!) shows up in Quark's room. She tells him her name isn't Dax and has a message from Zek who's in the mirror universe (for some reason) and is being held prisoner for the Alliance. They want a cloaking device in exchange for Zek as they "don't have them in this universe" even though they did in previous episodes. Quark and Rom steal Martok's cloaking device and carry it through the station while it's cloaked, almost being caught by Sisko and Martok (this is kind of funny.) They transport to the mirror Terok Nor and Rom tries to figure out how the mirror universe works. Vic Fontaine shows up as an android (which makes no sense) and is quickly killed by Bashir. Why did mirror Ezri transport them to the rebel controlled station? What did she think was going to happen? Smiley O'Brien sticks them in a holding cell and takes the cloaking device for the rebels (there's some exposition about Ezri only caring about money.) Intendant Kira is locked up with Zek as it was her plan to have him get the alliance and cloaking device and win her freedom or something. Nana Visitor does some bad laughing. Mirror Brunt breaks Ezri, Quark and Rom out of prison. He's stolen the cloaking device back too.

Rom thinks tube grubs must be poisoned in the MU because he's an idiot. Brunt tells Quark he hates the Alliance but he's helping them because Ezri is his best friend. They arrive to meet Regent Worf and Garak (another waste of Andrew Robinson) and there's a funny bit where Worf tests a new glove by punching an underling. The Intendenat kisses Ezri (but it cuts away during it, which seems like a huge step back for gay portrayal in Star Trek) and Quark realises that they're not going to get the Nagus back. They're locked up with Zek. Zek finaly explains he came to the MU to look for business opportunities (which is stupid but he's stupid.) Brunt argues with Ezri and Kira that Quark and Rom should be released as they did nothing wrong and could be helpful. Kira then just straight up murders Brunt in front of Ezri which is REALLY DUMB and terribly acted. Remember when the Intendant had some depth? The Defiant shows up and Erri recruits Rom to help get the cloak active. Kira offers sexual favours to Worf. Worf orders the Ferengi killed and Garak is happy to do so. Quark stalls him by telling him how much better their Garak is (ain't that the truth.) Worf drops his cloak but Rom has sabotaged the ship so it shuts down when the cloak is off. Ezri kills Garak and breaks the Ferengi out. We don't even get a good battle scene like in previous MU episodes and Smiley takes Worf prisoner. Ezri lets the Intendant get away because...they need to keep her alive for season eight? Mirror Leets shows up to "debrief" Ezri back on the station hahaha they're all lesbians I guess.

Why did we have to go back to the Mirror Universe? It's shit. This episode offers nothing new and doesn't even have the fun action sequences of ealier MU episodes. All we get is a "story" for mirror Ezri where she's a bad guy, Kira kills Brunt in front of her for no reason, and she turns good. It's not much of a story! There's a few funny parts but it all just feels very tired. A waste of a season seven episode.

SCORE: 3.5/10

Field of Fire - There's a party in Quark's for a nice young fighter pilot. Bashir makes a big speech about how great he is. He gets drunk and has to be helped back to his quarters by Ezri (lucky guy) and it's all pretty good stuff at making the guy likable. The next morning Ezri finds out that he's been murdered, somehow shot in his own quarters. They find a bullet from a Starfleet prototype rifle. Everyone, Ezri especially, is really sad about his death. Ezri is reminded of Dax's previous host Joran who "killed three people." I'm pretty sure it was only one in the episode he was introduced. Ezri has a "spooky" dream where the dead guy is alive and there's blood on her hands and it's really bad and cheesey. She says Joran who says he can help her solve the murder if she "performs the rite of emergence." A science officer is murdered next but she has no connection to the first victim. Bashir and O'Brien wonderr if the killer had a special relationship with his rifle. O'Brien realises that the killer was using a micro transporter to transport his bullets and demonstrates to Odo and Ezri by shooting a melon. Someone's following Ezri around in the dark but it's only Worf, looking out for her as there's a killer on the station. It's a nice scene.

Ezri performs the weird Trill riual (saying words into a mirror) make Joran appear to her like a ghost. Huh? How come in the season 3 episode Jadzia had to have her previous hosts possess her friends to talk to her? Why couldn't she just have had them all appear to her as ghosts? Joran/Hannibal tells her to catch a killer she has to learn to think like one. Ezri holds the rifle and turns the targetting display on (yes this is kind of hot) and Joran convinces her to taget an unsuspecting officer. Ezri admits it makes her feel powerful. He tries to get her to pull the trigger (it wasn't loaded but she doesn't know that.) Joran wonders how Ezri can be friends with a creep like Quark. She looks around fighter pilot's quarters and Joran notes a photo of him with fellow cadets. Ezri notices a photo of the murdered woman with her husband in her quarters. Ezri nearly stabs a guy Odo is chasing as Joran cheers her on. But he wasn't the killer. Ezri nearly makes Juran disappear again but Odo interrupts her. A Bolian is murdered. Joran notes a photo of the Bolian happy with his children. Ezri realises all three had photos where they were happy. She maks the leap really quickly that the killer must be a deranged Vulcan. Ezri happens to get in a turbolift with a Vulcan and of course he's the killer. Rather than call Odo she looks into the Vulcan'ss quarters using the rifle. She sees that the Vulcan is planning to murder her and Joran insists she murder him first. She shoots him but doesn't kill him (the Vulcan shoots too but misses.) She goes to is quarters and the Vulcan says "logic demanded it." She makes Joran disappear in the mirror, but he tells her he's part of her now.

I do enjoy the episode despite its many faults. I like how it's like a procedural crime show but in Star Trek. The rifle is cool and even the Vulcan killer is quite entertaining. Joran's actor does a good job, even though he's nothing like the sensitive musician Joran of his first appearance (and thankfully not like the psycho Avery Brooks version.) This is the third Ezri centric episode (four if you count the MU one) and we're only 13 episodes into the season. We haven't had a single O'Brien or Odo episode yet (or Jake lol) so I can understand why people would be frustrated at this point, but this is the best Ezri episode.

SCORE: 7.5/10
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